Sunday, February 27, 2011


On Friday, R gave me the 4th flower that he's ever given me in our 5-year plus relationship. He knows me very well: I prefer to get flowers at random occasions (such as finishing my insect collection) rather than for Valentine's day, or our anniversary. I'm just not that kinda girl. (What kind of girl am I? I have no idea.) He also surprised me with a lovely steak dinner at home, with candles!, Jesse Cook, and no TV. That's pretty impressive for us. We're usually the sit down at the coffee table and watch something. Other than movies, our dinner TV is pretty much the only TV that we watch.

Before dinner, I went for a walk with M&A on the beach, and I took this photo. It reminds me of something you'd see from in a plane..

Lines in the sand at Jericho Beach

 Even though it snowed yesterday, my Oxalis is quite happily blooming away.
Oxalis triangularis.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winter Adventures

Last week (well, technically, the week ending today) was reading break for us UBC-ers. The group of us decided to head to my parent's cabin at Green Lake for a winter get-away. We were expecting snow and needing lots of wood to keep the fire going. What we weren't expecting? -35C weather. Up north, cold and clear nights mean really cold weather, but also the most beautiful contrast of sky/snow.

Ahh, the north.

Home, sweet chilly home
So beautiful!
Snowshoe tracks across the lake
The top of Bald Island - D, myself, R
While it was pretty chilly, the five of us did have a good time. Definitely had some amazing food, tons of marshmallows, and snowshoed to a few islands. We decided to cut our trip short by a bit, and three of us headed to Kamloops for a quick overnight, before heading back to the coast.

Now it's time to finish studying for an exam, while fighting the cold that just hit this afternoon. Lovely.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Today I had my grad photos taken. I was freaking out, freaking out this morning. Getting them taken made me feel more ready for graduation though, and after they were done, I felt more relaxed and ready for the next step. I'm sad my sis wasn't there, but I think I pulled it off on my own. Just another sign that I'm ready for the world?

Monday, February 7, 2011


Last night I got an email from an author I met this summer, who was revising his book "Hiking the Gulf Islands: An Outdoor Guide to BC's Enchanted Isles."

He told me that a photo of Pebble Beach on Galiano Island that I had taken over the summer working for NCC was being considered for the book. Although I am not being paid for the use of the photo in the book, I am receiving a complimentary copy.

Therefore, I am crossing #21 off the list.

One down. 24 to go.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chinese New Year

Gung hei fat choy!

Today was the annual Chinese New Year parade in Vancouver. R and I went for the parade and then wandered around in Chinatown. It's been years since I've been down there, and it was kind of fun feeling like a tourist in our own city.

Cool dancers at the parade.

One of the many dragon dancers.

 After watching the parade for almost an hour and a half, we walked into a Chinese tea store, and ended up getting served teensy tiny cups of tea from a teapot that would make less than half of my regular mug. She got 8 cups out of it. It was an interesting little ritual, but I kind of prefer my tea black and in large quantities. From there, we wandered through several bulk stores and got some tea. It's so much cheaper than David's tea, but not quite the same..  We ended up wandering back to the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden and park, which I haven't been to since the end of grade 7. It was a dreary day, but still beautiful!

The Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese park.

From the garden, we ended up wandering to the old Woodward's. I have this picture on my phone, but I wanted a normal-sized version. Both my Dad and grandpa used to work at the old Woodward's, and Dad used to tell us stories about it. They make fantastic peanut butter.

The original Woodward's W on the left, and the new one on the right.

Lovely adventure in the misty rain aside, school is getting to be hectic.. but there is finally an end in sight! May 30th is my official graduate date! Let's just hope I have a job before then...