Sunday, October 30, 2011

The story of a pumpkin named Sonic

When I went home at Thanksgiving, Dad had bought us each a pumpkin. When I got home from my last work trip, R decided that we should carve a Sonic the Hedgehog pumpkin. Neither of us are really known for our artistic skills, but I was able to free-hand a fairly decent Sonic, based on something from the web (of course!).

R contemplating what to cut.. Tools for this project included a highlighter, several slotted screwdrivers and an exacto knife.
 End day one - Sonic is cut out.

Start day two - the necessary addition of the SEGA logo. We actually used a 'stencil' for this.. we tried free-handing the night before, but it didn't look very well, and then got washed off with the juice from the pumpkin.

Sega! All lit up .. notice the air holes in the back, too ;)

Finished product. We're both pretty impressed at how it turned out! :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I got a bit bored updating every book with what Amazon says and stuff.. so, for the last few weeks, this is what I've read:

  • My Stroke of Insight - Jill Bolte Taylor. About a neuroscientist who had a stroke. Interesting, but really, she should stick to science and not writing. Her "style" of writing left a lot to be desired.. at least from me.
  • The Skystone - Jack Whyte. I'm not sure how I've never read Whyte's books before, but seriously, they are amazing. Thanks to Mom for lending them to me! This is the first of nine and they are well-written, long, and they definitely leave you wanting more.
  • The Hound of the Baskervilles - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I enjoyed this because it was a full length novel instead of the short stories that I'd read previously.

  • Innocence - Kathleen Tessaro. Another chick-lit. It was definitely not as good as the first one of Tessaro's books that I read, and I wouldn't bother to read another.
  • The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls. K lent this to me - gotta love friends that share books. She lent me three that I'd never heard of. I can't believe this book is true. That's basically all I can say. It was well-written as well.
  • The Singing Sword - Jack Whyte. Book two. Still so good.
  • Sarah's Key - Tatiana de Rosnay. This book was also from K. It was about France during the war. There's definitely some history here that I didn't know about. Well-written again. I really enjoyed the two different characters and how their stories were laced together.
  • The Eagles' Brood - Jack Whyte. Book three.
  • Room -Emma Donoghue. The last from K. This one took a bit to get into, but once I understood how it was being written, it was really good. 
Well, that's all for now. I think I'll stick to updates like this.. maybe a bit more frequently though.