Sunday, April 15, 2012

Homemaker Sunday

Today was a really chill day.. in a good way. We got up, read for a bit (or at least I did), had breakfast and continued to read/study. We bought some apples to make applesauce so I started making that. I did it in the slow cooker because I'm lazy.. I used about 8 apples and got about 5 cups of applesauce. I didn't add any cinnamon, sugar or cloves to it. We'll add those in as we use them. I thought that this would be way cheaper than buying applesauce at Safeway, but it only marginally cheaper. Perhaps apple season will be better.

While I was bored at work on Friday (whoops), I found another food blog - It's incredible! I found so many recipes that I can't wait to try - and the best thing is that there are tons of vegetarian ones. We aren't strictly vegetarians, and R will probably hate me for saying that.. but we do eat a lot of meatless dinners. I enjoy eating veggies and stuff, although I prefer protein in the form of beans than in the form of tofu..

I also made pizza dough that we'll use for a flatbread one night as a side for something, and pizza dough for tomorrow night's cilantro-bean-corn-tomato pizza. We also made cilantro pesto.

Busy day (but also lazy?) but somehow I feel better about jumping into this week, knowing that dinner will be ready soon after I get home. I also have yummy fruit (kiwis and apples) and cookies (oatmeal chocolate chip) to get me through the week.

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