Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson is probably the best thriller/drama/mystery I've read in a while.

From Amazon: "Cases rarely come much colder than the decades-old disappearance of teen heiress Harriet Vanger from her family's remote island retreat north of Stockholm, nor do fiction debuts hotter than this European bestseller by muckraking Swedish journalist Larsson."

I had absolutely no idea what this book was about before I started it, only that I wanted to read it. As long as you can read through somewhat gruesome parts, this book is good for anyone who likes mysteries or thrillers. I started it on Christmas Eve (reading only a chapter or two), and finished it this afternoon. Unfortunately.. it'll be another 2-3 months before I get to read the next two!

Now I have to go finish that book about food... not nearly as exciting!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley was a really interesting story, told from an 11-year-old's point of view.

From Amazon: "Flavia Sabina de Luce is mad about chemistry, loves poisons, and is not above dissolving  her older sister’s pearls in acid as an act of revenge. Aged 11, she lives with two sisters, her distant and eccentric father, and a couple of retainers in an old manor house in post-Second World War England."

I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants a fairly quick detective-type story. I really enjoyed it and Amazon says that this is the first in what will be a series of books starring Flavia. I'd probably read another one - she was definitely a lovable character!

One more book about food before I start The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.. if R ever finishes it!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Year in High Heels

I just finished a book that I started a while ago.. reading goes so slowly when you're studying for 5 exams!

A Year in High Heels by Camilla Morton was an interesting book, but it wasn't a story..

From Amazon:
"This book will guide you through the months with a perfectly co-ordinated combination of culture and challenges. With a monthly muse to inspire, and a suggested title for that soon-to-be-formed book club, dumbing down is so last season."

While it didn't really inspire me to create a book club, it was interesting to learn about famous people (iconic famous people, like Jaqueline Kennedy, Grace Kelly and Marilyn Monroe). I really enjoyed her previous book How to Walk in High Heels and will probably read her future book A Girl for All Seasons.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Tomorrow is exciting for four reasons:

1-I can FINALLY apply to graduate. I thought the date was December 1st, so I was incredibly disappointed, and now doubly excited to get that tiny step closer to being done school.

2-My fisheries exam is in the morning, which means only easier exams to study for!

3-My timesheet is due, which means I get paid. I like getting paid.

4-My huge paper is due. And is done. Which means less stress. And more time por estudiar el espanol!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Taraxacum officinale?

Just in case anyone is wondering why I named my blog Taraxacum officinale.. well, here is its:

Taraxacum officinale is a common dandelion. You know, that yellow, annoying weed that shows up everywhere? That we've all kicked, blown the seeds from, picked for our moms. That's the one. I don't particularly like dandelions, however, they do bring a bit of sunshine to one's day if they are the only thing in bloom (often the case). They are easy to identify in the field, and everyone knows what they are.

I also like the Latin name. It sort of sticks with you.. it's also the first Latin name that R actually remembered.. and being that he's a Lion, he often informs me that he is a "dandy Lion."

So here's to a blog named for my dandy Lion, an interesting Latin name, and perhaps what I will write here. I can't promise what I will write about, but I do know that it will be probably anything.. so naming it after a cosmopolitan weed that grows anywhere also seems appropriate.

Welcome to the world, Taraxacum officinale!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The first one

The best way to start a "25 by 25" list is to cross of the first thing, on the first day.

Blog started. 

Thank you, pseudo-sister.

Who knows what I will end up writing here, perhaps random thoughts from my day.. books that I loved.. best places to find tea? There'll probably be tons of pictures of flowers, given my history of that!!

For now, I need to finish writing my oh-so-exciting paper.