Sunday, December 12, 2010

Taraxacum officinale?

Just in case anyone is wondering why I named my blog Taraxacum officinale.. well, here is its:

Taraxacum officinale is a common dandelion. You know, that yellow, annoying weed that shows up everywhere? That we've all kicked, blown the seeds from, picked for our moms. That's the one. I don't particularly like dandelions, however, they do bring a bit of sunshine to one's day if they are the only thing in bloom (often the case). They are easy to identify in the field, and everyone knows what they are.

I also like the Latin name. It sort of sticks with you.. it's also the first Latin name that R actually remembered.. and being that he's a Lion, he often informs me that he is a "dandy Lion."

So here's to a blog named for my dandy Lion, an interesting Latin name, and perhaps what I will write here. I can't promise what I will write about, but I do know that it will be probably anything.. so naming it after a cosmopolitan weed that grows anywhere also seems appropriate.

Welcome to the world, Taraxacum officinale!

1 comment:

  1. Taraxacum offincinale is also far more appropriate than Hoary Cat's Ear.
