Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stones into Schools

Stones into Schools: Promoting Peace Through Education in Afghanistan &Pakistan - Greg Mortenson

From Amazon: "If you read Three Cups of Tea, you would be foolish to miss this book. The opening briefly recounts those events (to refresh your memory if you didn't read it recently, or to fill in the gaps if you have never read it all). From there, the story mostly moves to Afghanistan as Greg Mortenson and his colleagues from the Central Asia Institute (CAI) seek to keep the promise to bring a school to what may be the most difficult location in that challenged country. If providing schools in remote locations isn't enough, CAI also had to brave the ongoing war there. The story moves into its highest gear as Mr. Mortenson recounts the horrible devastation that a major earthquake (about the same power as the 1906 quake in San Francisco) brought to the mountainous regions, wiping out almost all the schools and killing many of the students and teachers"

I read Three Cups of Tea and enjoyed it, although I enjoyed this one much more. Having finished reading Mortenson's story about himself, this one was much more about the people. I read it in less than a week of busing to work (which either says that my commute is too long or I read too fast). It was captivating and really showed us what education for a girl can do in a country like Afghanistan. It didn't convince me to donate money to their cause, but I do believe education is important!

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