Monday, December 5, 2011

Book list update

Woohoo, another update to what I've read this year!

Metamorphosis - Jack Whyte (book II of the Sorcerer, and book 6 in the Dream of Eagles cycle). I enjoyed this one too...

The Help - Kathryn Stockett - This was a book club book, and although only two of us showed up to the meeting, we both really liked it. I've heard that the movie is good too, so maybe sometime this week/weekend I'll watch it. I would definitely recommend this book, especially if you enjoy women's rights, equal rights etc.

Have a Little Faith - Mitch Albom. I picked this up from the biography section of the library, and was happy that it was a quick, although engaging story. The writing was good and the characters well described.

The Collector - Jack Nisbet. My mom told me about this one. It's the story of David Douglas - the botanist and person who collected and described a huge number of plants in the Pacific Northwest. It was interesting to read about places that I've been, through someones journal from almost 200 years ago. Being the nerdy plant lover that I am, it was also interesting to read and guess at which plants he was talking about, and even realize that he named many of them. This is the Douglas of Douglas-fir, and many plants ending with "douglasii". There was lots of journal entries and quotes from letters scattered throughout, too. Very good, but probably mostly recommended to plant lovers or naturalists.

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