Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hike: Diamond Head

Ok, so the title isn't entirely correct. We did go for a hike starting from the Diamond Head trailhead, but we only hiked about an hour up, because we hit snow. We were also not planning on going for very long, considering that we left at noon from Squamish and weren't really in hiking gear.


We did go for a hike, I did take pictures..

 Nothing like starting off with lupines to make this girl happy..

 And then a pretty creek through a gorgeous forest..

 And then misty foggy stuff with trees poking through!

 Then we came to the snow.

 And decided that this beautiful waterfall was a good turning point..

I think someday we'll have to hike the rest of it. This part (and I don't know about the rest) was nice.. an old logging road makes for nice hiking!

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