Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hike: Wonderland

We spent this past weekend up in Squamish, and we stayed at a B&B. The host told us about a few small hikes/walks that we hadn't heard about, so we decided to go.

This one is called Wonderland; it's across the highway from White Rabbit, and closer to the highway than Alice Lake. Sense a theme..??

The trailhead of Wonderland starts right behind a 50km/hr speed sign just after you turn off towards Alice Lake provincial park. There's a little parking lot on the side of the road. There is a sign just in the forest, telling you the name.

We walked for about an hour each direction, because it didn't seem like there was an end anywhere, and it was getting close to food time. The forest was gorgeous, although this was far from a relaxing hike. The trail was probably less than 100m from highway 99 the entire time, and being that it was a wet Saturday, it was quite noisy.

 Beautiful old trees, moss, lichens.. !

 This is a biking trail.. lots of ramps that are clearly meant for tires and not feet.

 Beautiful, meandering creeks with waterfalls. They didn't really add anything peaceful though.

It poured basically all day, so by the time we started this hike around 4pm, there was some big puddles.

I think I'd say that if you needed a quick break on your way somewhere, this is a perfect hike for that. Barely any hills or inclines, but it's still nice. Not overly taxing, but beautiful.

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