Saturday, March 5, 2011

Adventures in Solitude

Adventures in Solitude: What Not to Wear to a Nude Potluck and other stories from Desolation Sound - Grant Lawrence

From Amazon: "From Captain George Vancouver to Muriel "Curve of Time" Blanchet to Jim "Spilsbury's Coast" Spilsbury, visitors to Desolation Sound have left behind a trail of books endowing the area with a romantic aura that helps to make it British Columbia's most popular marine park. In this hilarious and captivating book, CBC personality Grant Lawrence adds a whole new chapter to the saga of this storied piece of BC coastline."

The introduction to this book was really funny, and got me hooked. Unfortunately, the rest of the book didn't have the same humour as the introduction, but it was still good. It followed the Lawrence family through the purchase of their remote cabin in Desolation Sound, starting from their first miserable trip up staying in a molding tent. Lawrence was really good at telling the stories of some of the original families living in the area, along with some of the folk lore, and stories from Captain Vancouver's trip up the coast. The story followed Lawrence's life, starting with his love for the cabin, and then through his teenage years and hatred of going up, ending with his more recent years, with friends and their kids. It reminded me a bit of how I felt about my cabin, although the period of me hating it didn't last very long.

I'd recommend this book: it has a good story, lots of history, and reminded me of time spent at my cabin. Oh, and finished it in an evening. Pretty easy to read :)

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