Saturday, April 30, 2011

Nothing Happens Until it Happens to You

Nothing Happens Until It Happens to You: A Novel Without Pay, Perks, or Privileges - T.M. Shine

From Amazon: "Jeffrey Reiner is a middle manager’s dream.

Predictable, almost invisible, and lacking ambition, he’s held the same tedious job for eighteen years, typing up the calendar listings for a South Florida weekly. As the economy and the newspaper industry crashed around him, Jeffrey kept his head comfortably in the sand until he was terminated in the middle of his lunch hour. Suddenly Jeffrey is staring at a deadline of twenty-one weeks before his severance pay and unemployment benefits dry up and he has to figure out what to do next."
This book was a quick read, thankfully, because I didn't really enjoy it that much. I found the main character, Jeffrey to be somewhat useless... and his strange relationship with his young neighbour just a bit weird.

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