Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Book Update

I've decided that I'm going to post books monthly, so while I think one of these has already been posted about.. too bad ;). Book club books are in a different coloured font, and the rest are my random books. I'm up for any suggestions too! (S-Carnavale is on hold).

  • The Eagle - Jack Whyte. Book 8/9. Continuing from Clothar the Frank. Not my favourite, but still well written!
  • A Patch of Blue - Elizabeth Kata. This was definitely not my favourite book, and from what I've heard from the other girls so far.. there's a reason why there aren't any copies in the VPL! It touched on racism, but not in a good way..

  • Uther - Jack Whyte. Book 9/9! It only took from late September - early January to finish this series.. although, as you can see, I did read many other things in between. This was probably one of my favourites, because it was written from Uther's perspective, rather than the other side of his family like the rest. It did a fantastic job of tying up all the loose ends.

  • Mini Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella. Girlie chic-lit. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a quick, girly read once in a while too..

  • Through Black Spruce - Joseph Boyden. This was the second Boyden book I've read.. It's not quite a sequel to Three Day Road, but is a few generations past the characters in that book, and they are related. I liked this one much more than the first!

  • The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag - Alan Bradley. The second in the Flavia de Luce mystery books. Well written and quick to read. I'm looking forward to reading more of these.

  • Spiced - Dalia Jurgensen. Book about a pastry chef in  New York. Not really that exciting, but again very quick to read. I don't think I'd recommend it.
That's all for January! February's a short month, but now that I have work (and therefore long commutes), maybe I'll go back to reading more.

Monday, January 30, 2012

C25K - W5D2

Weather was nice today!

Today was warm up, 8 min, walk 5, 8 min, cool down. It's not my favourite... Not that excited for a 20 min run on Wednesday!

My shoulder didn't bug me today, thankfully.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

C25K - W5D1

Snow, again. Seriously, Vancouver!

This week's runs are all different. Today was warm up, run 5, walk 3 three times, then a cool down. Unfortunately.. my shoulder hurt almost the whole time, and the snow was slushy/slippery, so it wasn't the best workout.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

C25K - W4D3

Run was later than usual today (only by an hour or so, but still), and since it's SUNNY! it was actually kind of warm. It's still pretty windy out here though.. but it feels much more like spring.

I definitely feel better about starting week 5 on Saturday, even though the 5mins are still not my favourite, but I could have run a bit longer after the second one today.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

C25K - W4D2

Pouring, again. Windy, again.

Had more pain in my shoulder during the last 5 min run.. guess I still don't know how to breathe.

Glad it's done!

Monday, January 23, 2012

The list

It's January! Time for new starts, goals, etc... I figured now was as good a time as any to update the list.

1. Start a blog, and update weekly (not sure when I can cross this off though?)
2. Get my Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh award
3. Go skydiving or bungee jumping.
4. Go to Nicaragua or Ecuador (or anywhere international) to volunteer. This almost happened.
5. Hike the West Coast Trail
6. Get married. Happening FIVE months today. Scary.
7. Take a cooking class.
8. Get a dog. (I really hope this becomes possible.)
9. Take a photography course. Happening this Saturday!
10. Go to NYC. Hm... I should start planning..
11. Get a drastic haircut.
12. Learn Italian (because two other Latin languages are just not enough) I started, and withdrew. I really do not learn well with Rosetta Stone. However, I'm considering this done, because I tried, learned a few things, and let's face it.. with a language, learning is constant and never 'over'.
13. Go skinny dipping. No idea why I've never done this.
14. Be comfortable with my body in a bikini.
15. Become a BIT, or preferably, an RPBio. 
16. Read a Jane Austen book (preferably Sense and Sensibility ;) )
17. Learn how to decorate cakes/take a cake decorating class.
18. Hike to the Lions.
19. Canoe/kayak the Bowron Lakes chain.
20. Go to a spa (this probably doesn't seem like much.. but it's me).
21. Sell some of my photos (I'm trying, I really am..
22. Start dragonboating again.
23. Go on a trip with the group (Disneyland?)
24. Try a yoga class.
25. Buy a Mac. Bought a new computer in the fall, so this isn't happening.
26. Do a chinup (R's suggestion)

I guess that means that I've only crossed off one thing, with two more pending. Ugh! This will take me forever...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

C25K - W4D1

Well. Today's run was.. interesting. Instead of snow, today's run included lots of rain (I can't say pouring, because I've seen it worse, but it was pretty steady), about 4C, and some really awesome wind. At least the sidewalks were clear, and the danger of slipping was very low.

This week is a 5 min warm up, 3min run, 90s walk, 5 min run, 2.5min walk, repeated twice, and followed by a 5 min cool down.

I think this is the most challenging so far, and the first time I've really felt tired after. That could be due to the little bit of Zumba R and I did yesterday..

Friday, January 20, 2012

C25K - W3D3

It was a bit warmer today (only -2 when I left), but it was also misty. It snowed again this morning, so the sidewalks still aren't that pleasant.

Week 3 done, and on to week 4 on Sunday. Yay!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

C25K - W3D2

Ok Vancouver.. I was way happier with the weather until this past weekend! I love snow, but Vancouver snow is so wet that when it freezes it just becomes ice. Not to mention that it rained after it snowed...

I got up this morning and found that it had snowed again, and that it was -7! I ended up going for a later run than I'd planned, because I was hoping that it would warm up.

Didn't happen, and I ran in 3 shirts (2 long sleeved, one tank) plus a rain jacket, long underwear under my pants, wool socks, my light hikers and a toque and gloves. Brr!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

C25K - W3D1

I almost convinced myself that my run today wasn't going to happen. It snowed last night, leaving Vancouver coated in a few centimeters of snow. If it was further north, it wouldn't be an issue. But after it snowed on Friday, it warmed up a lot, and it's pretty icy underneath.

I went. I survived. This week is a 90s run, followed by a 90s walk, and then a 3m run with a 3m walk after, repeated twice. Not too bad! The 3 minutes is definitely a bit more tough, but unbearable.

Hope it's less slippy on Wednesday...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

C25K - W2D3

Week two, done! Too bad the fractions still aren't nice enough for me to feel like I'm closer to finishing. At least at the end of next week, I'll be 1/3 done. Way nicer than 2/9ths!

Run today was pretty decent - a litte chilly thanks to the snow last night and some cold winds. The pain in my neck hasn't disappeared so I guess I'll have to google some stretches and stuff for that.

Looking forward to more of a challenge, and potentially actually jogging with R instead of leaving the house at the same time and meeting up because only one of us took a key..

Thursday, January 12, 2012

C25K - W2D2

Today was a cold one! It was about 0 when I left, so I ended up wearing my full long underwear, along with my rain jacket, pants and long sleeved fleecy shirt thing. Not really my idea of perfect running wear.. I wish I'd worn mitts!

I'm feeling a bit tight in my neck/upper back but I'm not sure whether that's running related, or someone-has-the-better-pillow related.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

C25k - W2D1

The start of week two. How fun!

This week will be running for 90s with a 2m walk in between. I think the point is to keep up the same amount of work out (half an hour, including cool down and warm up) while increasing the amount of running. I'm not complaining!

I've also set a goal: I want to be able to fit into a pair of shorts that I bought on sale last summer better than I do now. They fit, but I do have a bit of muffin top. Not cool!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

C25K - W1D3

Managed to get up and go for a run this morning before I even ate.. which may not have been the best idea ever, but I didn't want to eat waffles and then try and go.

I'm looking forward to a new week not because I want to run longer, but because I want to see what's next, and challenge myself more. Running 60s and then walking for 90s isn't really that tough..

Friday, January 6, 2012

C25K - W1D2

I finished my second "run" tonight. It was a bit better than the first, still fairly easy. It feels good to be getting outside and doing something active.

I managed to somehow screw up my ipod.. and either ran 8 - 60s (what it should be) .. or 9 - 60s. Ahh well, either way is good, I guess.

Thrilling entry, I know.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

C25K - W1D1

Today was the first day of my "Couch to 5K" start to run without killing/hating myself program thing. I found a series of podcasts (1/week for 9 weeks) which tells you when to start warming up, running, walking and the cool down. The music that goes along with it is sort of trancey - which is kind of nice, because it's not music that I know. I'm often tempted to change the song because I want something else. With this, it's not something I know, so I'm not sick of it. Hoping that after 9 weeks, 3 times per week I'll still feel that way so I still get out.

Starting with 60 seconds of running with 90 seconds of walking was pretty relaxed, and while I feel like I could go longer, when D and I started this last year, but around week 3.. it wasn't so fun. I was in pain at the start. Going to continue with the slow buildup, and hope that it works better.

Hopefully blogging about it every day when I finish will keep me motivated to go. Really, really hoping this is the case.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Book update

I managed (quite pathetically) only to finish three books since I last updated.

  • Clothar the Frank - Jack Whyte. Book 7 of 9. Took a while to get in to, but still very well written.
  •  Three Day Road - Joseph Boyden. This book was recommended to me by a coworker up north. I enjoyed the writing, although there were times when I was a bit grossed out (lots of talk about needles and how they go into a vein makes me sick feeling). We read it for our book club, and I'm curious as to what the girls thought of it.
  • The Eagle - Jack Whyte. Book 8 of 9! This one took me a while too, although I still enjoyed it. I'm going to start the final one today, and hopefully soon be finished with it. It's a great series, and I'm looking forward to reading his other tales, however.. I need a break from history, Jack Whyte and long series for a while. First book of 2012!