Sunday, January 1, 2012

Book update

I managed (quite pathetically) only to finish three books since I last updated.

  • Clothar the Frank - Jack Whyte. Book 7 of 9. Took a while to get in to, but still very well written.
  •  Three Day Road - Joseph Boyden. This book was recommended to me by a coworker up north. I enjoyed the writing, although there were times when I was a bit grossed out (lots of talk about needles and how they go into a vein makes me sick feeling). We read it for our book club, and I'm curious as to what the girls thought of it.
  • The Eagle - Jack Whyte. Book 8 of 9! This one took me a while too, although I still enjoyed it. I'm going to start the final one today, and hopefully soon be finished with it. It's a great series, and I'm looking forward to reading his other tales, however.. I need a break from history, Jack Whyte and long series for a while. First book of 2012!

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